Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Booger Ball Champions

In high school my friends and I usually ended up hanging out at Bryson's house. If all else failed for something to do on a Friday night, we would play a rousing game of booger ball. Booger ball has basically the same rules as volleyball, except the ball is massive! So massive my noodle arms have only served it over the net about once in my booger ball days. It always so fun to play because everyone looks like a dork, no one expects non-athletic people (cough like myself) to be good, and it's just plain fun! Last week some of my high school friends were able to get together and play our favorite sport! Long Live Boogerball!

Yes, that massive green ball is what you are trying to serve, and get across the net within 3 touches. We even got more intense this time and said it couldn't hit the ground at all (we used to give it one bounce, but now we've evolved)

Travis thinks he so tough because his bulky arms can throw it from one end of the court to the other. He kept making us lose because he would throw it too far out of bounds.

I'm just so silly.
I wish I had some pictures of us actually playing, but I didn't want to take time out to take pictures instead of playing!


Leslie Moon Face said...

Yay booger ball!!!! woot! our team basically rocked :) oh how I love that sport... it should become an olympic sport. then we'd be champions I'm sure of it. Oh and I want those pictures :)

Burlene said...

Oh My....the WHOLE gang. I love it!!! Next time I want to play!