Tuesday, August 2, 2011

And The Winner Is.....

If I were to give out an award for the best husband, I would give it to Travis (duh). There are numerous reasons why he is the best, but here is the reason why I choose to blog about.

Last week I got my wisdom teeth. I was really scared because EVERYONE felt like it was their duty to tell me horror stories about it. Especially since I was only getting numbed. I told Travis he didn't need to go with me, but he gladly said he would go with me. He brought his Athletic Training book with him and said he would study in the lobby.

They called me back and as I turned around to sit in the chair there is Travis right behind me. He said that he was going to sit in the room with me instead. (lucky for him the dentist let him watch the whole thing. He loved it) I was so glad he was there because every time I would flinch, he was there holding my hand or stroking my leg to let me know he was there and that it would be ok. I know that getting your wisdom teeth out is a routine proceedure and it happens to everyone, but it was a big deal to me and I was glad he was there for me.

When it was over, he gingerly helped me to the car. He was so sweet the next few days (week)making sure I was ok and that I had everything that I needed (want). After he got me home and situated he went to the store and bought me ice cream, fruit bars, pudding, soup, juice, and all the essential lack of wisdom teeth foods.

Since I was numb I couldn't tell when there was a blood/saliva running down my chin. That is something that should gross normal people out, but he would just help me wipe it off and tell me that he loved me.

He told me as a reward for doing this (since I am a little kid and need a reward for doing things such as this) he will buy me Pringles as soon as I can eat them and he will watch a chick flick with me.

I love Travis so much and am so grateful for how well he always take care of me. I think of all the times I have been sick (which is a lot because I catch everything) and how he is always so sweet and tender to me. I am so lucky to have him and appreciate all he does for me.


Heidi said...

Aw! Travis is awesome. :) When I got my wisdom teeth out (in 8th grade! wild ...) it was horrible! Just kidding. ;) I didn't think it was that bad. Of course, I was out for the whole thing. You're brave for just being numbed. :)

Jessie said...

Awww, go Travis! I wish I'd had someone in there holding my hand while I got my wisdom teeth out. Instead, I was barely numb, could feel most of it, heard them cracking my teeth, and I hated every minute of it. (Aren't you glad that I shared MY horror story with you? At least I waited until you were done with your procedure, right??? *wink*)

Leslie Moon Face said...

cuuuuute!!!! go Trav! And I think having your wisdom teeth out is scarey too... Love you both!

Hilary Obzansky said...

This is the cutest thing ever! Sounds like you're one lucky girl :)

Annika Brown said...

This post melted my heart! alwight Trav! I'm so glad he took care of you. Love you sis!