Monday, July 23, 2012

Why Does the Grass Always Have to be Greener on the Other Side?

When I lived in Cedar, all I wanted to do was move up north. Now that I live up north, all I want to do is be back in Cedar!

Travis and I took a trip to Cedar this past week and it was awesome! I am still really missing it and having a hard time adjusting to life in "the big city". I love being close to family, but Cedar is such a great place.
Here are some pics of my weekend at Tuacahn with Erin. Travis feels left out that he didn't make it into any pictures from this weekend. Maybe if he could be half as fun as Erin ;)

Monday, July 16, 2012

It's July so that must mean THE UTE STAMPEDE!

This Stampede was way different from any Stampede I've been to, It was so cold! We had a huge downpour rain storm on the second night. It was so nuts! Even though we were under the covered seating we were drenched by the end of the night. That did not stop the rodeo. Travis and I had a great time like always!

In the box seats Friday night.

Wayne getting the barrels out for the hyde race. 

The ladies coin dig. I did not get any money :( 

What makes the Ute Stampede so special from other rodeo's is a skydiver brings a flag into the stadium. It is so cool and it really brings out the patriotic juices.  

With Trav's friends on Saturday night. (Trevor, Amanda, Trav, Me, Marc, Marcee) 

 This is the best picture I could get to show off all the rain. It left the arena so muddy, the stands sparse, and a really cool show!

You can't tell, but they are really wet.

Until next July!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Happy 4th from (almost) all the DeCastro's!