Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sassy New Do

It was about time for me to cut my triangular hair into something different. It was the longest it had been since I can remember, being past my sholders. But It was time for a change. I guess it can't be that big of a change when you have hair like mine, but whatever.

Here is all of my lost hair. It was so much it wouldn't fit into the dustpan in one trip. It looked like a fluffly dog. Most of it was from them thinning my hair.

And here is the final result!! Trav doesn't see much of a difference, but I sure do! It feels alot lighter and way shorter. The back is cut into a slight a-line, so the front is a bit longer. We even if you can't tell a difference, here is my sassy new do!!


Unknown said...

Cute! At first when I saw how much hair was on the floor I got scared. But it looks good, I can tell a difference for sure.

Smitty n' Chelle said...

it looks really cute. it looks a lot different to me. i really like it. the thinning makes a big difference. I always have to have my hair thinned. anyway very cute!

Heidi said...

Cute! Since when do you wear glasses? You look super cute. :)

Jessie said...

It looks great Ali! Is it lighter too?
I can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks... WAHOO!!!!

Leslie Moon Face said...

You look super hot!! I love it! I want to see it in person... oh trav not being able to tell the difference, what a boy.

Kirstin said...

Woah... you look so different I almost didn't recognize you. But not many [white] people have hair as curly as yours, so I am assuming that that is still you!!!! By the way... I put Halle's hair into two little pigtails today... tell me how cute is that?!

Anonymous said...

Cute Alison! I like your hair, and I totally get the whole feeling lighter thing! It is so good to see you and Trav via the blog, I'm so glad you are doing it!!