Tuesday, September 15, 2009


School started a few weeks ago and ever since Travis and I have been up to our ears in books, homework, and just being busy! Travis is in the Athletic Training program and he loves it! Everyday he goes with the sports team at SUU, mainly football, and tapes ankles (or whatever they want taped), stretches the players, stimulates them (whatever that mean) and other things. He really enjoys it, which is good because he is typically gone from 6am to 8pm. Busy day. I have been busy with school and work too, and luckily just got a new job! Over the summer I was an Orientation Leader for the University (basically showed new students around campus, took them to lecutres, answered questions about being a new student etc) and I loved it! The advisor for this came up to me a few weeks ago and offered me a job! I will be doing all the behind the scenes stuff to get ready for orientation, and I will be trained so I can help new students register for classes next summer! I am so excited for this job! I will be starting next week, and am sad (not really) to be leaving the call center. Basically, that is it for Travis and me. We are staying plenty busy these days!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys are doin good! I cant wait til we can come down to Cedar! I hope it is soon!!
love you guys!

Jessie said...

You busy little students! Hooray and congrats on the new job Ali!

Sorensen's said...

It was fun to visit with you guys over Labor Day! Busy is good...it keeps you out of trouble ;) !!! Good luck with your new job. You will do great!!!

Leslie Moon Face said...

Woot new job!!!! Al that's so amazing! Congrats!

Burlene said...

Yeah! I love new challenges. I hope you were able to contact some people about what we discussed.:0)

Holly said...

I'm sure I will see a lot of Travis this year then if he's a trainer! That's awesome, I didn't know that's what he was doing. I'm sure he'll be great at it!